Saturday, January 23, 2010

January Cold

It's a cold January with heavy rain forecast for the end of this weekend. As I drive around, I see lots of open water on streams and wonder if any trout are down below. Midges, nymphs? Size 20, 22? Slow, real slow?

I spend evenings catching up with my usual internet fishing sites:,, It would seem that 2009 was successful for most. From the perspective of the purist, just being on the water anywhere is great. Bringing a trout to the net now and again adds the icing.

Winter fly tying is ongoing. Lots of beadheads - nymphs, Prince's, Hare's Ears. I like to tie the CDC caddis. Great on the water and a good buggy look. However, when they're gone by late spring, I go to the County Store in Milford where flies are $1.29. Good flies, great price. And for a hardware store, a very good selection of dries.

Here's to enjoyable fishing in 2010.